Solar systems are used all over the world for the production of cheap electricity. The use of the solar system is increasing day by day. This is because the solar electricity cost is low than other sources of electricity. The solar system is used to drive different systems such as solar water pump, turbines and many other units. This article mainly focuses on the solar system and solar water pump.

What is Solar Pump?

Solar water pump is driven by the electricity produced by the PV (photovoltaic) panels or the radiant heat generated by collected sunlight. This is the opposite of a diesel or grid electricity water pump.

The solar-powered pump uses solar energy for operation. It consists of a water storage tank, electrical cables, a breaker/fuse box, a DC water pump, a solar charge controller (MPPT), and a solar panel array.

A solar-powered water pump is more efficient to operate. These pumps have low maintenance and installation costs.

Solar pumps have a lower environmental impact compared to pumps powered by IC engines or utility electricity. The pump with a solar system is a delightful technology with which remote areas can be supplied with water both ecologically and socially. Therefore, it is always the economic technology of choice.

Remote areas tend to require mostly diesel engines and human resources for water supply. Solar water pumps are replacing existing pumps and offer many benefits such as weather and socio-economy. These pumps are best suitable for reservoirs and irrigation systems.

The solar pumps utilize in places where grid power is not available, and substitutional energy sources (especially wind power) cannot provide enough power.

The solar-powered water pump can deliver water that power lines can’t reach. These are commonly found in aeration, pond filtration, aquarium filtration, and well pumps.

These types of pumps mainly use in areas that have electricity issues. Otherwise, you will not have a stable power supply. This is an ideal water withdrawal system for green energy that combines the advantages of reliability, economy, and environmental protection.

The block diagram of the solar-powered water pump mainly consists of a controller, electric motor or battery, water pump, and solar panels (PV).

Basically, the solar is an electric pump that works on the electrical energy obtained from solar panels. These panels receive energy from the sunlight. The connected battery or motor controls DC or AC. The controller used this system uses to adjust the speed and output power.

Working Principle of Solar Water Pump

A solar pump works on the base of the photovoltaic principle. During the working of a solar pumpPV (photovoltaic) systems absorb radiant solar energy and transform it into electricity. This produced electricity supplies to the entire system.

The inverter of the pump converts the direct current output of the PV system into alternating current, which drives the pump. These inverters also adjust the output frequency and voltage in real-time, corresponding to variations in the sunlight intensity to attain the highest power point tracking.

As the intensity of the sunlight becomes weaker, the water lifting system realizes the function of switching the municipal power that works as auxiliary energy for the water lifting system.

Solar-powered Water Pump Types

Solar pumps have many types, but the major types are given below:

  1. Submersible Solar Pump
  2. Surface Solar Pump
  3. DC Solar Pump
  4. AC Solar Pumps

1) Submersible Solar Pumps

Submersible pump lifts up to 650ft of water and can install in large wells. As long as the well water is more than 20ft above the surface, these pumps operate directly to turn off batteries, solar panels, and in some cases, electricity.

When the sun is shining, the pump pumps the water during the entire day, and water is stored in tanks to be used when needed. The water can’t be pumped in bad weather because the sun can’t shine in bad weather. Therefore, it is advisable to store the water only in good climate conditions.

so use for livestock watering, pond aeration, home water systems, irrigation, pressurization, and well pumping. The maximum recommended pump depth is 50m.

Read Also: Different Types of Pumps

2) Surface Solar Pumps

These types of pumps use in streams, storage tanks, shallow wells, or ponds. When the well water supply depth is 20ft or less from the ground, we use a surface solar water pump.

In general, these pumps cannot pump very high water from deep wells and can pump water up to 200ft or more. These pumps can easily lift water from depths of up to 20m.

3) DC Solar Pump

This pump has an electric motor that uses DC. Therefore, no battery or inverter is required in this pump.

4) AC Solar Pumps

The electric motor used in this type of pump works with alternating current. With the help of an inverter, the direct current produced by the switchboard is converted into alternating current. This conversion can lead to power outages during production and use.

Components of Solar Water Pump System

The solar system has the following major parts:

  1. Water Pump
  2. Solar Panels
  3. Batteries
  4. Pump Controller
  5. Inverter
1) Water Pump

A water pump is an important part of a water pumping system. These pumps have various types such as sump pump, booster pump, circulating pump, and submersible pump.

  • Submersible Pump: The submersible pumps pump water from deep depth, e.g., underground water sources such as shallow wells and boreholes.
  • Circulator Pump: These pumps circulate the water to keep it warm and prepared for utilization and ensure a continuous water supply.
  • Booster Pump: The booster pump provides the pressure needed to pump water from a storage tank and deliver it to the entire home or facility.
2) Solar Panels

Solar panels are a key part of the solar-powered water pump. A group of solar panels is called an array. Solar panels generate electrical energy by separating electrons from atoms by permitting photons and light arrays, which creates electricity.

Solar panels are made up of small units called solar cells that change sunlight into electrical energy. There are several types of solar energy technologies like concentrated solar energy and solar thermal. These work differently than PV solar panels. However, these also use the energy of sunlight to generate electricity to drive water pumps.

3) Solar Batteries

The battery of the solar powered water pump system stores the charge produced by the solar panel; in the presence of sunlight, the energy produced by the solar panel supplies to a load and a battery.

If the load requirement is greater compared to the energy obtained by the solar panels, these batteries deliver a stable source of energy to the pumping system. The battery ensures that the water pumping system is working in the sunlight or not.

Deep cycle batteries often use for solar energy purposes because they are repetitively and deeply discharged.

4) Pump Controllers

The pump controller can adjust the pump system parameters to meet user needs and shield the pump system. These can use for the water to set an extraction schedule. The scheduled water helps to maximize the pump life.

5) Inverters 

The inverter converts DC into AC. The transformation of direct current to alternating current is required for a wide variety of electrical equipment involving water pumps. Therefore, the inverter is an important part of the solar water pump system. But, using a DC pump removes the need for an inverter.

In cloudy or dark weather, the inverter becomes a high-performance backup source of energy; due to that, the pump can continue to run without solar energy or sunlight.

How to buy an efficient solar water pump?

The prices of solar water pumps have decreased in recent years. The following are the factors that should be considered while purchasing a solar water pump.

  • Economics
  • Social justice
  • Water management
  • Standardization of products and services as well as quality control
  • Money accessibility
  • Maintenance
  • Operation and installation.

With these factors in mind, solar pumps can offer tremendous socio-economic and environmental advantages at the national and agricultural levels. This technology can provide reliable power to control areas at the farm levels, particularly areas that aren’t linked to the electricity grid or where supplies of traditional liquid fuel are rare.

At the national level, solar pumps help diversify, stabilize and increase agricultural production, which is the economic base of most African countries.

As the name suggests, an efficient solar pumping system is a system that can absorb a lot of sunlight and is specially installed for the necessities of the farm.

Nowadays, due to the world’s energy crisis, the world is energetically developing renewable energies. Despite the relatively high cost, the actual efficiency of a solar-powered system can be seen over the years. Using solar energy is a valuable option as a renewable energy option.

Solar Water Pump advantages and disadvantages

Solar pumps have the following advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Solar Pump

  1. The solar pump has an easy installation.
  2. It requires less maintenance.
  3. It has low operating costs.
  4. Solar systems work without fuel.
  5. Solar water pumps are easy to move.
  6. It does not require regular utility power.
  7. It can also use in remote areas.
  8. These pumps have high durability and performance.
  9. They have Strong design.
  10. Long service life
  11. These have easy maintenance and use.
  12. Simple installation.
  13. These are environmentally friendly pumps.

Disadvantages of Solar Pumps

    1. It has a high price.
    2. The solar water pump system requires a water storage tank and battery.
    3. The output of solar panels varies on the weather conditions.
    4. They supply quality water.

Solar Pump Applications

The major applications of solar pumps are given below:

      • These pumps use to supply water to animals
      • They use for irrigation systems
      • They also use to supply water for drinking and cooking purposes
      • These pumps may also utilize as booster pumps for pumping fluids over long distance
      • Solar pumps use for water treatment applications
      • These also use for the extraction of oil and gas

Did you know that if your TV, computer and other appliances are plugged in, they are quietly draining electricity – all day, every day – even when they are turned off? Electric power consumed by products when they are switched off or in a standby mode is known as standby power. While it may not be readily noticed, standby power is a big issue. It accounts for 5 percent to 10 percent of residential energy use, and could cost the average U.S. household as much as $100 per year.

Here are three easy tips that you can take action on right now to reduce your standby power loads and save money.:

  • Use a Power Strip with Switches. You can use a power strip with on/off switches to plug in your appliances. Surge protector power strips typically have such switches and help protect your appliances and electronics  If you plug all of your products into a power strip and flip off the power strip when these items are not in use, they are truly off.
  • Unplug Your Products. Another sure way to reduce your standby power load is to just unplug your products. Now, there are some products that you will want to keep plugged in, such as the digital alarm clock in your bedroom or the refrigerator.  But there are many appliances that you may not need to have plugged in, such as a toaster oven.
  • Use a timer for electronics with a constant display: Devices with a constant display, such as clocks and televisions, can be set to turn off after a certain amount of time. Use a timer to automatically shut off these devices to save on standby power.
  • Consider using ENERGY STAR® products. Many ENERGY STAR products are energy efficient and have lower standby power than comparable non-ENERGY STAR products.

So, there you go — three simple ways to reduce or eliminate your standby power, and save some money too!

Are you interested in using solar energy at home and wondering where to start? Maybe you’ve been questioning whether you can afford it or if your home or neighborhood is right for solar. Maybe you don’t own your home and you thought you didn’t have the option to use solar on your rental.

Good news! There are now ways for everyone to use solar energy at home. Solar is now more affordable than ever, and there are many benefits to using solar electricity.

Iqgtech green technology company now has updated information on residential solar electricity to guide consumers through planning for a solar energy system. No matter the location, the various options for using solar make it possible to choose the perfect setup. You’ll need to have solar panels installed on your home, which can be done by a professional solar installation company.

One option in purchasing a solar energy system is the use of a Solarize program, which allows buyers to join together to choose an installer and negotiate rates.

For those who want to install solar on their house but would prefer not to buy, solar leases or Power Purchase Agreements, also known as PPAs, allow consumers to install and use the electricity from solar panels without having to purchase them.

If installing solar at home is not an option, a community or shared solar program, if locally available, might fit the bill. These programs allow consumers to buy into a solar energy system at a level that fits their needs, without installing a system on their home.

Switching to solar energy can be a big decision, and it’s important to do your research and consider all of the factors before making the switch.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a solar solution, including the size of your home, your energy needs, and your budget. Do your research and consider all of your options to find the solar solution that works best for you.


With the start of a new season comes a fresh opportunity to find ways to save energy and money.

Here are just a few simple things you can do to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home as warmer temperatures arrive:

1. Service your air conditioner. Easy maintenance such as routinely replacing or cleaning air filters can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption by up to 15 percent. Also, the first day of spring could serve as a reminder to check your air conditioner’s evaporator coil, which should be cleaned annually to ensure the system is performing at optimal levels.

2. Open windows. Opening windows creates a cross-wise breeze, allowing you to naturally cool your home without switching on air conditioners. This is an ideal tactic in spring when temperatures are mild.

3. Use ceiling fans. Cooling your home with ceiling fans will allow you to raise your thermostat four degrees. This can help lower your electricity bills without sacrificing overall comfort.

4. Cook outside. On warmer spring days, keep the heat out of your home by using an outdoor grill instead of indoor ovens.

5. Install window treatments. Energy efficient window treatments or coverings such as blinds, shades and films can slash heat gain when temperatures rise. These devices not only improve the look of your home but also reduce energy costs.

6. Caulk air leaks. Using low-cost caulk to seal cracks and openings in your home keeps warm air out — and cash in your wallet.

7.  Bring in sunlight. During daylight hours, switch off artificial lights and use windows and skylights to brighten your home.

8. Set the thermostat. On warm days, setting a programmable thermostat to a higher setting when you are not at home can help reduce your energy costs by approximately 10 percent.

9. Seal ducts. Air loss through ducts can lead to high electricity costs, accounting for nearly 30 percent of a cooling system’s energy consumption. Sealing and insulating ducts can go a long way toward lowering your electricity bills.

10.  Switch on bathroom fans. Bathroom fans suck out heat and humidity from your home, improving comfort.


The tips shared here on Energy Saver are great resources for the homeowner. But, what if you don’t actually own your home?

If you’re a renter, then you’re probably looking at all of these tips and wondering what it all means for you. Renters usually can’t make drastic changes to the living space, and thus are limited in what can be done to make the home or apartment more energy efficient.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to reduce your apartment’s energy costs.  Most renters have limits on the changes they can make to a home or apartment without consulting the landlord, and typically they don’t want to make investments in a property that is not theirs. But there are some basic energy conservation steps that renters can take to reduce energy such as:

  • Turn off the lights when not in use and change out the light bulbs to LEDs
  • Keep the thermostat at the highest comfortable level in the summer, and the lowest comfortable level in the winter.
  • Reduce hot water usage. Shorter showers are good. So is running your clothes washer with cold water.
  • Use window blinds or drapes or other window coverings to help windows keep out the temperatures from the outside.

Perhaps these are not the most exciting ways to save energy, but they are effective and easy steps. Another possible improvement for renters when it comes to comfort, look into weatherstripping to seal any air leaks in the doors and windows.  While some weatherstripping is easy and requires little to no modification to the residence, some forms of weatherstripping require more intricate and detailed installation, and may even require a contractor to install. Check your local hardware store and see what options are out there and what work they require. Be sure to go in knowing whether you have aluminum or vinyl windows, how big they are, and how much trim is around them. If the windows and doors are drafty, and if the work required is extensive and expensive, talk to your landlord and see if they’ll make the changes. So why would you want to take steps to make a property that you do not own more energy efficient?  Most renters have to pay for electricity, so any improvements can help save money, even in the short term.  Oftentimes, energy-efficient improvements make the living space more comfortable and healthy, and that can be more important whether you own the residence in the first place.

That’s all there is to it! Whether you own your residence or not, you can always make smarter choices to reduce your energy costs and improve comfort.